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 Illustration and Poetry


Breathe in God's light

to recharge your soul.

Enter His presence;

it shall make you whole.


Know that you labored not in vain,

for in His wisdom, power and love

you shall grow again and again,

because deep within only God is enough.


For God knows all your dreams and fills your requests.

In your soul He gleams. He knows what is best.

So be thankful each day as the minutes unfold,

for in His infinite way, His wisdom is told.    R.D.

Fields of Hope


Fields of hope are there to harvest

Get the baskets, claim your share!

Our Lord gives you his all-best

And your land is no more bare


Peaceful are the rivers flowing

Established are your hands indeed

Fields are planted, crops are growing

Satisfied is every need.


In the hearth are ambers glowing

And ‘plenty’ is the word today

Hear and see the waters flowing

Prosperity is here to stay. R.D.

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